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Welcome to the CARI 2020 Conference proceedings website

We welcome submissions of originals papers in all aspects of computer sciences and applied mathematics and their applications.

CARI, the African Conference on Research in Computer Science, outcome of an international cooperation involving African universities, French research institutes, and international organizations, introduces this year its fifteenth edition in Senegal.

CARI has evolved into an internationally recognized event in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. The scientific program, which reflects the richness and the diversity of the research undertaken on the African continent with a special emphasis on works related to the development of new technologies, knowledge in environmental sciences and to the management of natural resources, consists of 36 scientific contributions, selected from 92 submissions, together with 5 invited talks delivered by acknowledged specialists. It was preceded by a research school on “Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence and Application to Robotics and Big Data”.


Bruce Watson, Président du CARI

Eric Badouel, Secrétaire du Comité permanent du CARI

Oumar Niang, Organisateur du CARI 2020


Lala Andriamampianina Claude Tangha
The CARI has had the pain of losing two of its early companions recently. Lala Andriamampianina  and Claude Tangha were two endearing personalities of our community. They will be greatly missed. Each in his own way worked hard for the development of computer science on the African continent. This edition of CARI 2020 is dedicated to them.        







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